Welcome to Our Christian Heritage Foundation's Blog

The purpose of the OCHF blog is to introduce some of the holdings of our fine library to the public. From time to time a photo of one of our historic holdings will be posted along with the story of its significance. In learning about the history of these bibles, books and manuscripts, we learn and preserve the history of the Christian Church. We hope that you will enjoy this journey of learning and exploration. I am Dr. Byron Perrine, editor, and I bid you welcome to the OCHF blog site.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"B" is for Biblia Integra of 1491

Among the holdings of OCHF Library are very rare pages from Froeben's Biblia Integra of 1491.  Johann Froben, 1460-1527, was a German-born Swiss scholar and printer active in Basel.  Basel had already been a center of printing for some twenty years when Froben, who was to become its greatest printer, published in 1491 as his first book an octavo Bible, the "Biblia Integra", pages of which are here displayed.  Prior to the publication of Froben's octavo Biblia Integra, printed Bibles tended to be massive folios that were difficult to transport and therefore primarily suited for ecclesiastical use.

The Biblia Integra was the first Bible printed in octavo (pocket) size.  Because of its small size, and because it could be produced and sold at a fraction of the cost of larger Bibles, it became known as Froben's "poor man's Bible".  B y 1515 Froben and three partners owned four presses, and later seven.  As well as experimenting with less expensive small books, Froben's contributions to printing included popularizing Roman type, introducing italic and Greek fonts, and employing talented artists, such as Hans Holbein the Younger, as illustrators.

Although Froben's Bible was printed in Latin, because of its small size, it is rightly ranked with Martin Luther's 1534 German Bible, and later Bibles translated into other European vernaculars, as influencial in making the Bible increasingly accessible to laypeople in early modern Europe. 

Froben surrounded himself with a number of scholars who worked with him in his publications.  Chief among these was Erasmus, who, after visiting him on several occasions, in 1521 permanently took up residence with the printer.  It was from Froben's press that the first published edition of the Greek New Testament (edited by Erasmus) was issued in 1516.  In the same year Froben issued the works of Jerome in nine folio volumes. In 1527, at the time of his death, the works of Augustine in ten folio vlumes were passing through the press. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

"A" is for Amish

The OCHF library holds several historic volumes of significance to the Amish people, including:  Tileman Van Braght's Martelaerspiegel with the famed Jan Luiken engravings, 1685; a copy of the famed Ephrata Cloister (Colonial American) printing of the same in the German language, 1749; a Froschauer/Zwingli Old Testament, 1638; and, a copy of a widely-used Amish prayer book, c. 1760's-1790's.
The Amish Mennonites are one of the most interesting Christian groups in the United States.   Noted for their traditional values and simplicity of life, the Amish people seldom use power-line electricity, telephones and automobiles, prefering the horse-drawn buggy for transportation.  Their clothing is plain.  Their Christian testimony emphsizes humility.  The primary language of most Old Order Amish is Pennsylvania German or, in some cases, a dialect of Swiss German.  High German is utilized in worship, and English for commerce as needed.  There are several Amish communities within 1 1/2 hours distance from the OCHF campus (see www.amishamerica.com/iowa-amish ).
Photo above is of the Our Christian Heritage Foundation's copy of the Ephrata printing of the "Martyrs' Mirror".  Below, the same book in the original Dutch language published in 1685 with the famous 104 etchings of Jan Luyken.  The Martyrs Mirror is a history of the deaths of Christian martyrs from the time of Christ until 1660.  The book was translated from the original Dutch into German by Peter Miller of the Ephrata Community in Pennsylvania.  The Ephrata printing was the largest book printed in Colonial America.  The Martyrs' Mirror is still a beloved book among the Amish.  In addition to the Bible, the Martyrs' Mirror in German is usually found in every Amish home, and it is often given as a wedding gift. 

Monday, March 11, 2013


     The purpose of the OCHF blog is to introduce some of the holdings of our fine library to the public.  From time to time a photo of one of our historic holdings will be posted along with the story of its significance.   In learning about the history of these bibles, books and manuscripts, we learn and preserve the history of the Christian Church.  We hope that you will enjoy this journey of learning and exploration.  I am Dr. Byron Perrine, editor, and I bid you welcome to the OCHF blog site.

Welcome to Our Christian Heritage Foundation's Blog