"U" is for Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was the best-selling novel of the 19th century and the second best-selling book of that century following the Bible. Manymodern-day Americans have heard of Uncle Tom's Cabin, but few know it as the powerful statement of the Christian faith it is. Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe was extroardinarily influential not only as an agent of social-change in America but also as a testimony of the Christian faith. The term "Uncle Tom" has, in some circles, become synonymous with spineless subservience. But anyone who truly reads the book will recognize something quite different in the character of the slave Uncle Tom. His life is a model of bravery and faithfulness to the highest Christian priciples. Would that we were all "Uncle Toms" in our faithfulness, our humility, our integrity, and our devotion to the Lord!
Below, title page of one of the OCHF Library's copies of Uncle Tom's Cabin, and, an engraving from that book (click photos for larger image).
Below, title page to one of the many popular 19th century songs inspired by the novel, this copy held by the OCHF Library (click photo for larger image)
I have never read Uncle Tm's Cabin, but your post makes me want to read it. I'll have to check at the library today!